Leuven MindGate MashUp
We would like to invite you to our Leuven MindGate MashUp 'How to protect your company with the help of ethical hacking?'
Ethical hacking gives you the insights you need.... In this MashUp, we'll study the tools and techniques cybercriminals use to hack organizations and find out how to protect your company from these attack vectors.
With this knowledge, you will be able to protect your business from a wide range of threats and we would be happy to discuss your questions around this topic. This Leuven MindGate MashUp is ideal for analysts, administrators, managers, specialists, professionals, officers, IT auditors, system security engineers, security officer (IA),...
Be sure to include your own questions in this MashUp as our expert Nico Cooman will guide you towards a cyber-hacking free world.
When: 16/05/2024, from 09h00 until 11h15
Where: Cronos Leuven, Gaston Geenslaan 11/B4, 3000 Leuven
- 09h00 - Welcome with breakfast
- 09h30 - Introduction Leuven MindGate and Cronos
- 09h40 - Cases from Nico Cooman (Managing Partner The Security Factory) with open discussion and time for interaction
- 11h00 - Wrap up by Leuven MindGate
- 11h15 - End
Cancellation or replacement is possible if notified by email at least 48h in advance (admin@leuvenmindgate.be). If you do not show up after registration, we will charge a no-show fee of €50. If a colleague replaces you, the no-show fee does not apply. All proceeds from this fee will be donated to a local charity.