Leuven MindGate MashUp
Industry analysis confirms that data storage requirements double on average every two years.
The type of data created by the organization is a significant factor in determining what data to archive. Storing your data in an effective way will save you money, time and worries. But how do you do that? And what type of data storage should you use?
In this Leuven MindGate Mashup we focus on two main storage strategies: using a data center or using the cloud.
The cloud offers many benefits like agility, time to market, and cost effectiveness. And the right data center may enable massive scalability and high performance. But what are the challenges, advantages or downsizes of each choice?
Manu Drieghe and Steven Bens from Unix-Solutions own their own data center, right here in Leuven. They will show you possibilities of data storage, the possibilities in connectivity towards the datacenter, the infrastructure and cloud services for the Belgian market. Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or curious about the options in Leuven-based datacenter infrastructure & cloud computing, you don't want to miss this opportunity.
There is an optional visit of the Unix-Solutions data center for a limited number of people. Separate registration needed upon filling out the MashUp form.
When: 20/06/2023, from 09h until 12h00
9h00 -10h30 : MashUp at the premises of Simac ICT Belgium10h30 - 11h00 : Networking break (or end of the session, if you want to go home)
11h00 - 12h00 : Optional visit and guided tour of the Unix-Solutions data center (next to Simac)
Where: Simac Leuven, Industrieweg 8, 3001 Leuven
- Manu Drieghe (Managing Partner Unix Solutions)
- Steven Bens (Managing Partner Unix Solutions)
- Free for Leuven MindGate members
- € 80 for non-members
- Max. 20 people per MashUp - 1 participant per company
- Unfortunately, cancellation is not possible. Replacement by a colleague is possible if notified in advance by e-mail (admin@leuvenmindgate.be)
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